Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Texas Renaissance Festival

This is the first time I join in a festival in American, and it was awesome. I wore a 50's dress and go around to help high school and secondary school students

 This is the "Rose garden wedding chapel" where I was worked in

Just like its name. There are many beautiful rose in this chapel. It make me get marry immediately

Although it was not a weekend, there was many people come and have fun in the festival

they all dress up with many beautiful costume

they also sell a lot of stuff

Battleship Texas State Historic and San Jacinto museum

This is a battleship state historic. I'm impress with the beautiful way in. Near the battleship museum is a San Jacinto museum of history

This tall building was designed by architect Alfred C. Finn. His design had the shaft of the Washington Memorial rising from the Lincoln Memorial and topped with the Lone Star of Texas.

 The view from the top of the building

 This is the longest gun I have ever seen

 The real trip look so cool!!!!